Interconnections with HAL

Increase the visibility of the conference thanks to the open archive HAL

Sciencesconf is interconnected with HAL, the multidisciplinary open archive chosen by the whole French scientific and academic community. Any scientific event managed with Sciencesconf benefits from this interoperability, saving time for the authors of the papers and for the organizing team, promoting the event, and preserving in the long term the publications.


Assistance in entering the authors' name and their affiliation

Sciencesconf is interconnected with the HAL reference data for authors and research organizations.

When submitting a paper and/or abstract, the names of the authors and their affiliation can be completed by auto-completion if they are already present in HAL.

Export full text papers to HAL

Export of papers in HAL is done at the request of the organizing team and is fully supported by the CCSD (import into HAL, check and moderation, creation of the HAL collection corresponding to the conference).

Higher visibility of the event with a HAL collection

Before the transfert of the full texts, a HAL collection is created with the name of the scientific event. All communications will be collected and posted on the collection website.

The organizing team is the manager of this collection and can customize the website.

Example of HAL collection : Colloque Org&Co  (Sciencesconf website of the event).

HAL services available to the authors of papers

The authors of the papers imported into HAL benefit from the international referencing of the archive.

If they have an account in HAL, the list of their publications is automatically updated with the import, which is time saving.

If they manage a CV in HAL, it is also automatically updated with the import.