A website for your event

After validation of your event creation request on Sciencesconf, you have a hosted website, without any need for local IT infrastructure.

The website for your event will have a dedicated web url:[myconf].sciencesconf.org (ex : https://readinet2023.sciencesconf.org/).

The website and data are hosted by the  IN2P3 Computing Centre (Villeurbanne, France).


Task organisation

With the website, you can assign privileges to users based on their role in the organisation.

Website customisation

You can customize the website of your event in a few clicks:

  • You can adapt templates that you will put to your colors or you can use your own style sheet,
  • Menus are fully configurable.

Email management

Email management and mailing tools are integrated into the platform to:

  • to customize emails
  • create email templates
  • create a mailing list
  • manage the mailings: calls for communication, reminders, etc.

Each conference has an email alias, based on the short name of the conference followed by @sciencesconf.org. The organizing team can create additional email aliases based on their needs.